Name: Gwen
Birthdate: 17/6/86
School: almost done!
Ambition: to be fluent in at least 3 languages
Loves: you!

♥ Desires

To complete University
Get my dream job
To Backpack Europe
A life partner


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Friday 6 February 2009
Brooke began taking Gymnastics on Tuesday and then Jazz Dance on Thursday. The reason we got her started in Gymnastics was to get her moving. Of course, that makes it sound like she was lazy, which she was definitely not. Instead of just being active at home, I wanted to give her reason to move and hopefully allow her to keep her confidence as she grows older. She's got loads now and I would love for that to stay with her. Dance, we just happened upon. But watching her yesterday was so adorable and I don't care how much of my time it takes.

I believe I've decided to homeschool her until she would start secondary school, which is also the reason I wanted to get her into several different things. Although the lessons are small, only about 3-4 in each one, she'll still get interaction with other children twice a week. I don't want to be one of those mum's that lives through their children, though. Or the ones who force their children to be the best...although I do think she should put some effort into it. But I'm not making her do it, I just want her to have fun.

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