Name: Gwen
Birthdate: 17/6/86
School: almost done!
Ambition: to be fluent in at least 3 languages
Loves: you!

♥ Desires

To complete University
Get my dream job
To Backpack Europe
A life partner


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Wednesday 15 April 2009
So, I completely fail at this blog/vlog every day thing. It's really just not me. Of course, I never really did either until April so I guess jumping in was a bit foolish. Perhaps I should have started off slowly.

But seriously, I am not one of those people who have a camera friendly face, and can't really make it interesting enough to keep you watching. I also don't really watch the news or read the newspapers. My sources come from just glancing at BBC, which happens to be my homepage.

I am really not uneducated, there is just so much bad news that gets advertised and sometimes I'd rather see the good in the world than the bad. Now, I know that makes me sound mad, but all you hear about on the news anymore is the bad. At least on the internet you can sort through the news and choose what you'd like to hear about.

Earlier, my daughter asked me to put ice in her water. (It was a bit strange since I NEVER put ice in my drinks, but sure.) She came to me half an hour later asking me to take the ice out. Here's how the conversation went after I looked in the cup:

Me: Baby, there's not ice in this cup.
Brooke: Yes, there is. You need to get it out.
Me: Look at it, the ice has melted.
Brooke: Oh, well I can't drink it now.

I have no idea what goes through her head.

I finally finished my maths course...although I'm not sure I made high enough marks to continue to the next one. I would rather take 30 history courses than take one maths course. That's how much I hate maths. Of course, now I'm taking Accounting and Finance, but I can deal with those.

So, I love how the Blog Every Day in April has evolved. So far I've seen Vlog EDA and I came across a guy on DailyBooth who is doing Draw EDA. I just think it's amazing that so many people are comitted to doing something daily for a month. I'm sure for some people it's not much of a change if you did it before but I still think it's amazing.

Not me, of course, because I fail. XD

I do sort of have a good excuse but I can't really use it. It's not really that good and I did actually have time to blog/vlog. I'm not really disappointed in myself because I'm at least thinking about it and I will definitely start doing this more often so I think it all works out.

I believe that's it for now, and hopefully I'll be back tomorrow!

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Tuesday 7 April 2009
Wow, sorry for lack of..well, anything yesterday. I didn't realise how difficult it wouuld be to blog from work. :look:

My day started out weird last night at work, as we had several psych patients. Now, I work in an emergency room so it's pretty normal to have a psych patient every so often, but last night was had three just to start off with. Although, one of them could have just been high, but he was acting very psych-o like. He punched our clock, causing it to crack, and also punched the television and computer in his exam room. We had to call security on him four times and he tried to escape numerous times.

I am not a babysitter. If I were, I might enjoy my job more.

So, I'm not really stuck watching him but my duty for last night was 'tech'retary, so I'm in direct line of sight of his room all night. Anyway, last night was hectic and the entire ER was turned upside down because of this one pt. It didn't stop until they put restraints on him and gave him meds.

Full moons are mad!!

Speaking of full moons, I met a guy named Remus yesterday as well. It was so awesome! I never thought of Remus being a strange name at all, but I didn't know anyone personally who was named that...but now I do! It was so amazing :)

Today, I had my first experience with a launderette, or whatever you want to call it...It was actually quite fun. I've never been to one before but due to having to leave our washers alone for two weeks, we had to go. My dad and I went together which was nice since I would have been quite bored.

I also bought a new phone today! It's the Samsung Instinct with Sprint..yay! It's so lovely, and it's got the internet and music and such. The first thing I did was download Doctor Who calltones :D I'm such a nerd :p

Anyway, my sister just arrived so I'm going to spend some time with her before I need to get to sleep.

Have a great week!!

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Monday 6 April 2009
Late blog post...

and not really even a proper one at that, but I have loads to chat about when I'm able to film tomorrow. ;)

Sunday 5 April 2009
I'm headed off to work for 12 hours. Aren't I lucky?

Has anyone else seen the video advert that Keira Knightley's in for Domestic Violence? I saw it for the first time yesterday and was just shocked. Although I never enjoy thinking that things such as that actually happen, I know they do, but it almost makes it feel more surreal watching her. It's possible because with her being a very well known actress, you feel connected to her in a way that you might not with some random person on the news so you feel more compelled to help out when it's happening.

Surreal yeah?

Anyway, I've been seriously looking for flats/homes back home. I like it here but hate that I'm so far away from everything. Most of my friends have moved on now anyway, but I feel more comfortable there. I figured it out. If I saved 200 per paycheque and any school money I get, I'll have around 8,000 saved up by December. That's not loads but it's enough to get back and get started again. :)

Anyway, time for work....ugh.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and has a great week!


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Saturday 4 April 2009
Ahh, I'm running late!

One of my friends came over for Harry Potter film night but the DVD player kept glitching so we couldn't finish. Either way, he's never seen the films..which is just insane!

26 days until my trip to Disney!! It'll be the first time I've been on holiday without a parent or some sort of chaperone..I'm a bit nervous but super excited at the same time! I'm more nervous about flying, though...The last time I was on an aeroplane was years ago and it's not my favourite thing to do.

I started Inheart as my fifth book last night. Hopefully this one will be quite easy to get through, unlike the last few books I've read. I would like to have read 8 books by the end of April. I don't plan on taking any books with me to Florida but over the summer I should be able to catch up.

My last week of my maths class starts Monday and I'm really nervous...as of now I'm not doing so well, and I HAVE to pass in order to move on. Wish me luck! :D

I'll see everyone tomorrow!

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Friday 3 April 2009


I made and posted the video yesterday but forgot to post here. It still counts as the 3rd of April though.....yeah?

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Thursday 2 April 2009
So I ordered The Next Doctor through eBay three weeks ago and it just got here today. It won't work on my DVD player. :( I have been so excited to get it and now it won't work. I didn't own my own DVD player when I lived in England and I probably would have bought a new one anyway.

After the inital disappointment I think I'm alright with waiting until it's available in America, but I still don't quite understand why they only make the DVDs work for Europe. It makes me sad.

I'm finishing up the fourth book of fifty...yay! I'm only about eight weeks behind. :look: It's The Reader by Bernard Schlink and I'm getting caught up because it doesn't have very much dialogue. Although I'm a fan of the imagination, I also enjoy a mixture of description and dialogue. The next book I read will probably be an easy sort of read, just to get another book down.

On a brighter note, I am majorly excited about Planet of the Dead on 11th of April...I still hate that I'll be getting it a day later since I'm in America but the fact that it's coming up soon makes me happy. I've also come to the conclusion that I am way too obsessed with Doctor Who. Much more than I should be.

No vlog today because I'm not feeling too well, but I'll see everyone tomorrow!

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