Name: Gwen
Birthdate: 17/6/86
School: almost done!
Ambition: to be fluent in at least 3 languages
Loves: you!

♥ Desires

To complete University
Get my dream job
To Backpack Europe
A life partner


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Saturday 30 May 2009
I received our Disney photos yesterday!! Hopefully I'll have them on my computer soon so I can make a photo slideshow/video. Well, it may take a week or so since I've got loads of coursework.

Only two more weeks until my Accounting and Intro to Finance courses are completed! I'm not doing as well as I would have liked but at this point I'm alright with anything as long as I don't have to re-take the courses.

I'm so tired of working night shift, but I do only work three days a week. If I went to day shift I'd probably have to work five days a week since it wouldn't be at the hospital. I'm a bit torn, though. I was going to pay my sister to watch Brooke for me and just take her out of daycare. I don't need to take her out of daycare but it would help me out a bit. My sister can't be trusted, though. I won't go into it but she's the type of person who wouldn't ask if you wanted the last slice of pizza, she'd just eat it. Alright perhaps that's a bad example, but she doesn't care for anyone else but herself.

For those of you who don't know, I plan on homeschooling Brooke. I've given it loads of thought and done loads of research and I feel like this is the best way to go. Brooke is such a quick learner, but I don't feel like she'd really learn much in school. Well, of course she'd learn something but statistics show 80% of time in school is spent waiting. It may not be something we stick with but that's why we're doing a trial run for this next school year.

I think that's it for now, but here's the VLOG I posted yesterday. It was the first time I've been able to have our sitting room to myself so I took the opportunity to vlog in a different location. :) <3

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Saturday 9 May 2009
So, I went to Disney World this past week..just got back yesterday.

It was so fabulous!! But not nearly as relaxing as I thought it might be. Brooke was really testy the first few days and I really felt like I reprimanded her more than anything...but it was fun!

Soo many people asked me where I lived. So I told them Georgia. hah. It was so funny to see the looks on their faces since I'm obviously not from Georgia, but they asked where I lived and not where I was from. I always feel awkward answering that question when I'm on holiday since I feel compelled to tell them I 'live in Georgia but am from England'.

I thought it was kindof obvious anyway. Is that just an assumption on my part? That people would recognise an English accent? Because sometimes I felt stupid just telling them I'm from England. Did they want to know I'm from West Sussex? Or would they even know where that was? While standing in queue for one ride I had a nice chat with another english mum, from Essex, and felt comfortable telling her West Sussex.

It's just something I sort of worried about while telling people where I was from. Did they think I thought THEM stupid if I didn't divulge a bit more information than England? I only say this because if someone were to tell me the exact city they lived in (anywhere in the world), I wouldn't know where it was unless it was a major city.

Disney was amazing, as usual, and we had a few cast members go out of their way for us and a few cast members that must have hated their job. I do understand some people actually hate their job, regardless of who they're working for, and that everyone has bad days, but sometimes all you have to smile and say 'Hi' to people and that's enough to show me you at least care about the people you're working with.

I'm going to start a Disney blog about my experiences with the hotel and other things I know loads about, to give people my opinions on them. When I was researching the hotel I was staying in, I couldn't find much information on it besides what the Disney website stated. Not that I don't believe the website, because I do whole-heartedly, but I couldn't find out how it would fit my needs as a mum with a four year old.

Hopefully that'll at least be started later today, so if you're interested, check my blogger profile and there should be a link. I'll try and link it here if I remember after I get it up. :)

Hope everyone is having a magical day!! 8O

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